Submission Requirements for Creators

Requirements for a tutorial:

Tutorials should be 10 to 15 minutes in length

  • Define Tutorial Objectives:

    • Clearly outline educational goals and key takeaways.

    • Identify target audience and expertise level.

  • Choose a Topic:

    • Select specific, relevant topic aligned with objectives.

    • Ensure content suits a 15-minute timeframe.

  • Script and Outline:

    • Develop script or detailed outline.

    • Divide content into segments for flow.

  • Engaging Introduction:

    • Start with captivating intro.

    • Clearly state purpose and benefits.

  • Structured Content Delivery:

    • Break content into digestible sections.

    • Use visuals, slides, or demos.

    • Incorporate real-life examples.

  • Interactive Elements:

    • Include exercises or activities.

    • Provide PDF of materials.

  • Professional Filming Setup:

    • Use high-quality camera.

    • Ensure proper lighting.

    • Use stable surface or tripod.

  • Audio Quality:

    • Use decent microphone.

    • Record in quiet environment.

  • Practice and Timing:

    • Rehearse for smooth delivery.

    • Adjust content to fit timeframe.

  • Filming:

    • Start with brief introduction.

    • Maintain eye contact.

    • Use natural gestures.

  • Editing:

    • Remove unnecessary pauses/errors.

    • Add intro/outro graphics.

  • Branding:

    • Incorporate branding elements.

    • Maintain consistency.

  • Promotion:

    • Share teaser clips on social media.

    • Encourage viewers to share.

Requirements for a pilot episode submission:

Pilot episodes should be 15 to 30 minutes in length.

  • Concept Development:

    • Idea Generation:

      • Start with a beloved genre or a personal passion.

      • Consider what makes your idea unique.

    • Brainstorming:

      • Create a mind map or list of story elements.

      • Mix and match ideas until you find a compelling concept.

    • Target Audience:

      • Identify age group and interests.

      • Tailor concept to appeal to this audience.

  • Script Development:

    • Outline:

      • Structure with clear beginning, middle, and end.

      • Introduce main characters and motivations.

    • Character Development:

      • Ensure characters have clear goals or conflicts.

      • Keep dialogue natural and character-driven.

  • Pre-Production Planning:

    • Storyboarding:

      • Visualize episode flow with key scenes.

      • Note camera angles and movements.

    • Location Scouting:

      • Find suitable, accessible filming locations.

      • Consider practicality for filming.

    • Shot List:

      • Plan each shot in detail for coverage.

  • Equipment and Budgeting:

    • Camera:

      • Use smartphone or DSLR for quality.

    • Audio Equipment:

      • Affordable options for dialogue clarity.

      • Ensure quiet recording environment.

    • Lighting:

      • Utilize natural light or LED lights.

  • Team Assembly:

    • DIY Filming:

      • Set up stable camera.

      • Use tripods or household items.

    • Enlisting Help:

      • Involve friends, family, or film students.

      • Collaborate for support.

  • Filming:

    • Stay True to Script:

      • Follow script with room for improvisation.

      • Capture various angles for interest.

    • Natural Movement:

      • Avoid static shots; experiment with movement.

  • Editing Process:

    • Software:

      • Use free or affordable editing software.

    • Cutting and Polishing:

      • Trim scenes for concise runtime.

      • Enhance audio and experiment with effects.

  • Engaging Elements:

    • Captivating Intro:

      • Grab attention early.

      • Introduce tone or compelling conflict.

  • Test Screenings:

    • Gather Feedback:

      • Share with peers for constructive criticism.

      • Adjust based on feedback.

  • Submission and Promotion:

    • Create a Series Cover:

      • Design eye-catching image.

      • Use design tools or seek help.

    • Prepare Descriptions:

      • Craft concise series concept and episode description.

    • Promotion:

      • Utilize social media for buzz.

      • Share behind-the-scenes content and trailers.

  • Remember:

    • Enjoy the process and learn from the experience.

    • Stay open to feedback and adapt for audience.

What is the difference between a tutorial and a pilot?

Creating and filming a 15-minute tutorial and a 15 to 30-minute pilot TV show episode involve different objectives, formats, and considerations. Here are the key differences between the two:

1. Objective and Purpose:

  • Tutorial (10 to 15 minutes):

    • Objective: The primary goal of a workshop is often to educate or instruct on a specific topic or skill.

    • Purpose: Workshops are designed to provide practical knowledge, guidance, and hands-on experience to the audience.

  • Pilot TV Show Episode (15 to 30 minutes):

    • Objective: The primary goal of a TV show pilot is to introduce the concept, characters, and overall tone of the series.

    • Purpose: Pilot episodes aim to capture the audience's interest, showcase the uniqueness of the show, and set the stage for future episodes.

2. Content Structure:

  • Tutorial (10 to 15 minutes):

    • Format: Typically more straightforward with a structured flow, often including segments like introduction, content delivery, and hands-on activities.

    • Depth of Content: Focuses on a specific topic or skill, providing in-depth information and practical applications.

  • Pilot TV Show Episode (15 to 30 minutes):

    • Format: Follows a storytelling structure with plot development, character introductions, and potentially subplots.

    • Depth of Content: Balances introducing the central concept with engaging storytelling; may leave certain aspects open for exploration in subsequent episodes.

3. Production Style:

  • Tutorial (10 to 15 minutes):

    • Presentation Focus: Emphasis on clear and effective communication of information.

    • Visuals: May include slides, demonstrations, or practical examples to enhance understanding.

  • Pilot TV Show Episode (15 to 30 minutes):

    • Narrative Focus: Balances dialogue, character interactions, and visual storytelling to create a compelling narrative.

    • Visuals: Cinematic elements, diverse camera angles, and creative shots contribute to the overall storytelling.

4. Engagement and Interactivity:

  • Tutorial (10 to 15 minutes):

    • Engagement: Encourages audience participation.

    • Practical Exercises: Often includes hands-on activities or exercises to reinforce learning.

  • Pilot TV Show Episode (15 to 30 minutes):

    • Engagement: Primarily relies on engaging storytelling, character development, and plot twists to captivate the audience.

    • Interactivity: Limited interactivity compared to a workshop but aims to keep viewers invested through the narrative.

5. Length and Attention Span:

  • Tutorial (10 to 15 minutes):

    • Length: Typically concise to maintain audience attention.

    • Attention Span: The focus is on delivering information efficiently within a shorter timeframe.

  • Pilot TV Show Episode (15 to 30 minutes):

    • Length: Can be slightly longer to allow for character development and plot establishment.

    • Attention Span: Still crucial, but there's more flexibility for storytelling nuances and character introductions.

6. Budget and Resources:

  • Tutorial (10 to 15 minutes):

    • Budget: May require fewer resources, especially if it's an educational or training video.

    • Production Value: Focus is on clear communication rather than high production values.

  • Pilot TV Show Episode (15 to 30 minutes):

    • Budget: Might require a higher budget for diverse locations and more elaborate production elements.

    • Production Value: Higher emphasis on production quality to create an engaging viewing experience.

In summary, while both a tutorial and a pilot TV show episode involve planning, filming, and storytelling, they differ in their objectives, content structure, production style, engagement strategies, and resource requirements. It's crucial to align your approach with the specific goals and expectations of each format.

Ready To Upload?

To submit your video for approval, use the provided link below. Please allow up to 5 business days for our team to review your submission. Once approved, your video will appear under your profile on the website within the same timeframe. If revisions are necessary or if your video doesn't meet our updated guidelines, a team member will contact you to provide feedback and discuss potential revisions. .
